AED & CPR Training
AED & CPR Training
CPR and AED Training will be held Saturday, March 8th. If you are interested in attending thetraining please sign up using the QR code on the screen or See Sis. Lori Harvin.
CPR and AED Training will be held Saturday, March 8th. If you are interested in attending thetraining please sign up using the QR code on the screen or See Sis. Lori Harvin.
Part 2 of our Golf Clinic will be this Saturday, March 8th, at 12:30pm - 2:30pm, located here at the building. Must be 18 years or older to attend this event. If you are interested please see Bro. Emmanuel Rupert or Bro. Ed Crawley outside of the administration office.
This event will be a time of conversation, food and fellowship! We will dive into relevant topics, that are specific for this demographic and look to use the bible as our source for the solution. Mark your calendars for Friday, March 14th 9pm. This event will be located on the 3rd floor, (Junior Department) on...
Join us for a special Men's Breakfast and Worship Training event! This time of fellowship and spiritual growth will include a hearty breakfast, meaningful discussions, and an enriching training session focused on the acts of worship. Whether you’re a seasoned brother or looking to deepen your understanding of worship, this event is an excellent opportunity...
The East Capitol Street Church of Christ celebrates its 50th Ladies Luncheon on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from Noon to 2:00pm with the theme "The Spirit of God That Led Us Through 50 Years" (Exodus 12:17-18 & Romans 8:14-15). The guest speaker will be Sis. Celeste Rupert. The adult cost is $25 per person. Children...
Mark your calendars for our first Sunday Funday of 2025, which will be on March 23rd, immediately after service! If you missed our last one, you do not want to miss this one! We will start off the event with our monthly Song & Praise session! Food and fellowship will be provided! Reminder this is an event open...
The monthly, in-person Ladies Friday Night Soul Talk will resume Friday, March 28, at 6:30. Join us for a fun-filled evening as we fellowship, pray, and meditate on scriptures.
Training is scheduled for Elders, Deacons, and their Wives on Saturday, April 5th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Also, anyone who is interested in becoming an Elder or Deacon is encouraged to attend. Please make plans to join us for this important time of learning and preparation. Your presence is valuable!